A daily dose of new English words, grammar and phrases to speak fluently.
This bot will send you Bible verses every day. Questo bot ti permette di ricevere ogni giorno una Citazione Biblica. Usa i comandi /start e /stop per gestire la tua ...
Search popular quotations by famous people or keywords from within Slack. Try /quot leadership, try /quot success, try /quot paul graham and more. Have fun sharing this wisdom of ages.
LitBot allows you to read classic literature in short segments. Just request a title and LitBot will send you the next bit of text.
The Bible Verses is a relevant chatbot that in moments of hopelessness and misery is highly sought-after. Bible Verses is a digital guide across an extensive collection of sacred texts ...
Dwivedi Classes For UPSC is an innovative platform to materialise the dream in reality . Our journey begins . It is also useful for SSC ,Bank PO , State Civil ...
Custom chatbot development for messenger platforms