I can do some great things like providing you all the updates from our site or providing some basic automated help.
🔱آموزش کامل بات سازی روی 8 سرور قدتمند🔱 ➰کلی جک های باحال ↻ ✖شارژ های رایگان برای برندگان مسابقه✖ 💮هک واقعی وای فای/کلش اف کلنز /گیفت کارت/هک تلگرام/هک لایک اینستا ...
سلام دوستان عزیز من یوکس هستم. رباتے برای روت کردن سریع دستگاه آندرویدی شما. برای روت کافیه بر روی /Root کلیک کنے لطفا قبل از روت کردن شرایط را در ...
This bot can translate a word, sentence or anything else from a language to another.
Bot for Evernote 🐘 Just send a message and a note will be created!
Show snippets of Al-Quran verses. Available in several languages - english, malay, indonesian, french & chinese
Con questo bot potrai cercare un treno e avere le sue informazioni principali direttamente da Telegram!
Send inline queries to search for near places around you and share it with your friends! It's the easiest way to find new places and share them.
This inline bot implements some sort of spoiler functionality. Type '@spoilobot your text to be hidden', wait for button 'Wrap with spoiler' and press it. Don't press Enter.
A useful bot for those who travels a lot. Do you want to find and book a discount hotel quickly? Enter the city, arrival and departure dates, number of guests ...
To check the IP/email from spam. With this bot, you can check the IP/email spam in the cloud-based anti spam service Cleantalk.
It automatically detects the language of the text you sent it and correspondingly translates it into the language you setup as your language (to set, use /tolang; to check, use ...
Поиск дешёвых авиабилетов. Лучшие предложения по 728 авиакомпаниям (включая low-cost), 5 системам бронирования и 45 агентствам. http://bit.ly/AVIASales
Search eBay using simple natural language, and get instant results from eBay directly to your chat platform.
iPhone/iPad Carrier, FMI, Blacklist Check Bot by IMEI
This bot sends you entered text in desired time and date.
Ask this bit for definition and it will search Wikipedia for you. It will also give you any "What is...?" question.
Custom chatbot development for messenger platforms